COURSE OVERVIEWThe training is concerned with agricultural policy issues in developing countries. Agriculture is usually found to be the largest economic sector for the provision of employment and also generation of the much linked economic activity e.g. in processing and trading. There is always need for high quality trade systems, able to deliver nutritional and health foods, at prices which are affordable and stable and without damaging the natural resource environment. At the heart of effective food systems are complex webs of local, national, regional and global trade. Involving and empowering the various stakeholders on these complexities goes along way in boosting the development and implementation of the trade policies. The training seeks to explore the various trade policies, their impact and areas of Improvements
PROGRAM KEY FEATURES:The training will offer and impart better understanding of agricultural development issues in Africa. It will enable the participants to;
- Effectively participate in International agricultural trade negotiations
- Design and formulate efficient domestic trade policies
- Apply practical tools and methods to the diagnosis and solutions of agricultural development problems.
WHO SHOULD ATTENDPublic And Private Sector Agricultural Development Professions; African Regional Organizations; Traders; NGO’s